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Command & Conquer - Combined Arms is a free and open source game pack made with the OpenRA game engine, the bundles together forces from various classic Westwood RTS games including Allies, Soviets, Nod, GDI and the Scrin.
Anodyne from Analgesic Productions recently celebrated a 10th anniversary, and the community delivered in style with a full fan remake for modern platforms thanks to the previous source code release.
A free and open source survival sandbox game pack for the voxel game engine Minetest, MineClone2 is as close to Minecraft as you can get without playing Minecraft. A big new release has rolled out with version 0.82.0 with lots added.
0 A.D. is an in-development free and open source RTS, one that's very promising and looks pretty good and the next Alpha version will also feature experimental Vulkan support.
This is awesome and something more developers should do with games they shut down. Counterplay Games have made their mix of a collectable card game and a turn-based strategy Duelyst fully open source.
Took a while huh? It's not quite as well-known or as loved as some other free and open source games, but worth pointing out: FreeCol 1.0 is out now. 20 years in the making for this Sid Meier's Colonization remake!
Beyond All Reason is an in-development free and open source RTS, based on the SpringRTS game engine and their latest update showcases just how great it looks.